Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The role of hormones in metabolism is enormous

Hormones - substances that are mainly produced in the endocrine glands, which include the thyroid and parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, pancreas, ovaries. Basically, regulate metabolism peptide hormones - such as growth hormone or insulin. The first is responsible for burning fat and building muscle, and the other involved in the conversion of glucose coming into the body for energy.

Before talking about the role of hormones in metabolism, that is, in metabolism, it must be said that there are two processes of metabolism - catabolism and anabolism.  

Catabolism is responsible for breaking down substances in the building material for the body and it needs energy.  

Anabolism - is a creative process, it uses that for the catabolism of energy and it builds new cells and tissues. It is destroyers glucagon - it helps the glucose to enter the blood, then cortisol, which increases the concentration of glucose in the blood, thus improving the nutrition of cells, and, finally, the hormone adrenaline fear fear hormone adrenaline - it supplies the body with oxygen. "Creative" hormones are insulin, which helps the body's cells to effectively use the incoming glucose, growth hormone is responsible for the growth of the body for muscle growth and bone tissue - testosterone. Since the men he found in greater numbers than women, men lose weight faster - the muscles require more energy than fat tissue.  

    Creative for women is estrogen hormone, is responsible for bone strength and good shape of the breast. But at the same time, the estrogen is the "culprit" of fat on the thighs woman.

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