Friday, October 5, 2012

Wrapping Things Up Excess weight affects the lives of both women and men.

       Being overweight has health consequences affecting both physical and mental well-being. The first step is to separate the definition of an attractive weight from the definition of a healthy weight. The second step is to see how you and your partner measure up when it comes to being at a healthy weight. Based on that reality check, you can make an informed decision about the need to lose weight. And if losing weight is the reasonable answer, be assured that doing so can provide both men and women with significant health benefits and an improved quality of life.
      • A weight that society considers attractive is typically not the same as a weight that scientists consider healthy. Doctors and researchers use a measurement called the body mass index (BMI) to determine weight status. The BMI ranges are the same for women and men. They can easily be calculated using a formula that analyzes height and weight or they can be determined by consulting one of many Web sites. A limitation of the BMI is that it can’t determine whether excess body fat is stored in the danger zone—the belly. Adding waist circumference to the BMI provides a better assessment of whether or not weight loss is needed.
     • Carrying extra weight predisposes both women and men to health problems such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and infertility. In addition, each of the sexes has a unique set of weightrelated health risks. But the good news is that losing weight—even as little as 10 pounds—can help reduce the risks and/or improve existing health issues.
     • Being overweight has a psychological impact on women and men of all ethnic backgrounds. Women tend to adopt a negative body image earlier in life than men do. Women often feel that they are judged more on their appearance than on their talent or achievements. The typical male experience is different. Men generally start out with a positive body image, but as the years go by and the pounds go up, the body image becomes increasingly negative. And because men are more likely than women to feel that they are judged more on performance and less on appearance, they tend to have fewer negative emotions related to their weight.Before deciding that losing weight is the right course of action for you, it’s important to assess your risks and realize your weightloss advantages.

To explore this area, spend a few minutes thinking about the following questions:
       1. What is your body mass index (BMI)? What is your waist circumference? How do they compare with what the experts say is a healthy weight and waist circumference?
     2. Are you experiencing or at high risk for any weight-related health problems?
     3. Does your weight affect your mood and how you feel about your body

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