Friday, July 4, 2014

Anabolic Steroids and Proper Estrogen Control for Maximizing Fat Loss

Q: “I’ve found a lot of information referring to cutting steroids and cutting cycles and it’s really not clear to me what I need to do. Are there particular anabolic steroids that I really need to include if I’m cutting, or any that I particularly need to avoid?”

A: I haven’t found any great difference in fat loss between different anabolic steroids provided that estradiol is kept in the normal range and the total dosage of anabolic steroids is sufficient. There’s no anabolic steroid that must be included where cutting is needed, and no anabolic steroid that must be avoided.

Prior to proper estrogen control with antiaromatases such as Letrozole or Arimidex, care ordinarily would be taken in cutting cycles to limit the amount of aromatizing steroids used. Particularly, testosterone and Dianabol would be limited, if used at all. So this resulted in their having a reputation of “not being cutting steroids.”

There were two factors involved here.
  1. Estrogenic bloating could to the eye be confused with fatness.
  2. Abnormally high estrogen levels can make fat loss more difficult.
Where estradiol level is controlled with an antiaromatase or with a suitably balanced combination of anabolic steroids, then these are not issues, and testosterone becomes about as good for cutting as anything else. Dianabol also can aid fat loss quite well.

By suitably balanced, I mean of combination of aromatizing and non-aromatizing anabolic steroids where the total amount is sufficient for the desired anabolic effect, and the amount of aromatizing anabolic steroids is suitable to yield only normal estradiol levels. This typically would be between 100-300 mg/week, but good results can often be had with more than this, depending on the individual. Where for example a person already knows from experience that he suffers little or no noticeable adverse estrogenic effect from say 500 mg/week of testosterone, then that amount certainly can be included in a cutting cycle without need of an antiaromatase. But another person might even get gyno on 250 mg/week testosterone.

It’s certainly possible that some fat-loss differences remain between anabolic steroids, but even so this may only be dose related. For example, 50 mg/day Trenbolone Acetate is certainly better for cutting than 50 mg/day Testosterone, but is it better than 150 mg/day Testosterone? Probably not.

Basically, I’d say it’s not necessary to seek out particular anabolic steroids for fat loss. I would make the choice based on achieving desired positive effects with minimization of the side effects of personal concern, which can vary according to the situation.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Aromatase inhibitors give women more muscle mass

Anastrozole ~ Men show little change in body composition if you block their estradiol production with the enzyme aromatase. In women things are different, oncologists at the University of Pittsburgh in the US discovered. Aromatase inhibitors boost muscle mass in the fair sex.

Let’s start with a recap: there are two sorts of anti-oestrogens. First of all there are SERMs, like Tamoxifen and Clomiphene. These block the estradiol receptors and thus prevent estradiol from doing its work. They often actually take over some of the functions of estradiol. In men SERMS raise testosterone levels; in women they don’t.

And then there are the aromatase inhibitors like Anastrozole. These interfere with the functioning of the enzyme aromatase as a result of which less androstenedione and testosterone are converted into estradiol.

Chemical athletes use anti-oestrogens to counteract the side effects of some anabolic steroids, but also to restore the body’s own testosterone production after taking a course of steroids. Doctors subscribe the same anti-oestrogens for breast cancer survivors, as they reduce the chance of the cancer returning.

Tamoxifen ~ Doctors have collected a lot of information on the side effects of SERMS, in particular those of Tamoxifen. Long-term use of Tamoxifen leads to negative changes in body composition. Women often lose muscle mass and build up fat.

Not much is yet known about the side effects of aromatase inhibitors.

Letrozole ~ For example, what is the effect of aromatase inhibitors on women’s body composition? This is the question that the researchers set out to answer in the small study they did of 82 women, who they monitored over a period of two years.

The women were all cancer survivors. Half of them were given a SERM – usually Tamoxifen. The other half were given an aromatase inhibitor, such as Letrozole, Anastrazole or Exemestane.

During the 24 months that the study lasted the fat mass of the women who took SERMs increased by a kilogram, while there was no increase in fat mass in those who took an aromatase inhibitor.

The aromatase inhibitors increased the amount of testosterone in the blood, and the researchers think that this was the reason for the increase in the women’s lean body mass.

Exemestane ~ We, the nit-picking compilers of this web magazine, have a teeny problem with this study: the researchers do not reveal how many of the women in the AI group were given exemestane Moreover, we wonder whether the miraculous effects of the aromatase inhibitors would still be observed if the exemestane had been excluded from the study.

Exemestane is not just an aromatase inhibitor: it’s also an androgen with an anabolic effect and it is an anabolic steroid.

SERMs had no effect on lean body mass, while the aromatase inhibitors led to more than a kilogram increase in lean body mass.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Steroid Cycle Planning for Muscle Mass and Fat Loss

Muscle Mass

Let us consider the first goal mentioned: gaining muscle mass. Now this goal depends highly on how advanced one already is as a trainer and/or anabolic steroid user. Someone who is already 40 lb. more muscular than he could achieve naturally, and who wishes to add still more for the purposes of competitive bodybuilding, will simply find no use from a recommendation to use 500 mg/week of Sustanon. At best such a dose might allow him to maintain what he has, instead of slowly losing muscle while off drugs. Such an athlete will probably not achieve his goals with less than a gram per week of injectables, stacked with at least 50 mg/day of orals. And he may need more than this. He is already far beyond what he could attain naturally, and more yet will not come easily.

What of the person who, after several years of hard, quality training, is probably fairly close to his genetic limit under natural conditions? He would probably achieve excellent results with this same 500 mg/week dose of Sustanon, and undoubtedly would do so with some Dianabol added as well.

Another person may not even be close to his natural genetic limit in the first place, due to inconsistent or poor training, or novice status. Such a person can make excellent gains without anabolic steroids at all, and while steroids can increase the rate of gains, one cannot say that any particular drug regimen is necessary or advisable.

Yet another person, who simply wishes to have an attractive physique and appearance by conventional standards, and highly values the condition of his skin and hair, would be poorly served by the advice to use Sustanon or Dianabol at any dose. The likely worsening of his skin and possible acceleration of hair loss would not be worth it. He would be better served with a milder drug, which would allow him to achieve his goals with minimal cosmetic or health risk.

Fat Loss

And what about the second goal: losing fat? Well, this goal is at cross-purposes with gaining muscle. One simply cannot gain nearly as much muscle on reduced calories as on higher calories allowing a fat gain of perhaps 1 lb/week. The person would be best advised to divide muscle gains and fat loss into separate phases. If a person is not at a level of muscularity beyond what he can attain naturally, anabolic steroids really are not necessary for dieting down to moderate bodyfat levels such as 8%. However, anabolic steroids use can make the dieting easier and faster, especially for natural endomorphs. It does not seem that much of a dose is required in this application. 250 mg/week Sustanon or 400 mg/week Primobolan will be effective. That however is not the case for individuals who are well beyond their natural limits. They will shrink much faster on low dose steroids than on high dose steroids while dieting, and anything less than a gram per week would be obviously much less effective than doses actually used (2-4 grams per week not being unusual in elite circles.)


Estrogenic effects are one of the serious problems with anabolic steroid use. Most anabolic steroids either convert to estrogen or even if they may not, act to increase the effect of estrogen. Testosterone, Dianabol, and Anadrol are particularly noted bad performers in this regard, and Nandrolone (Deca) is not by any means immune to conversion to estrogen. Methenolone (Primobolan), Trenbolone, Oxandrolone, Stanozolol (Winstrol), and Dromostanolone (Masteron) are steroids which do not convert to estrogen at all and which avoid the problem entirely.

For those compounds which do convert to estrogen, the problems experienced include increased inhibition of natural hormone production (which however is not mediated only by the estrogen receptor, so the problem is not entirely solved by blocking estrogen), possible gynecomastia (abnormal development of breast tissue), liver problems, and water retention. We have previously discussed anti-estrogenic agents.

The other main area of concern with safety of these drugs is hepatotoxicity of oral anabolics. Primobolan oral does not have this problem, but on the other hand, is essentially useless for a male bodybuilder at 5 mg/tab. At least 100 mg/day would be needed even for mild effect, and this simply would be cost prohibitive.
  1. Oxandrolone has minimal liver toxicity, but is not known for greatly increasing gains, and is expensive.
  2. Stanozolol has some toxicity and is not particularly effective. 
  3. This leaves Methandrostenolone (Dianabol) and Oxymetholone (Anadrol). 
  4. Dianabol is rather mild in its liver toxicity, at least if it is not used for many weeks consecutively. Anadrol can make some users feel rather ill rather quickly. In my opinion, if Dianabol will do the job, and it will in most cases, it is the better drug of the two. If nothing else, it is simply more pleasant for the user.
Cycle Planning

The next thing to be considered, after “What drug?” and “What dose?” is how long the drug should be used, or what pattern should be used if the drugs are varied.

Now again, we must consider the goals of the user. If we are speaking of an IFBB pro it simply is not realistic in today’s age to suggest that he should ever come off the drugs at all while competing. Others are not taking time off, and he would fall behind if he did choose to take off weeks and allow his system to return to normal periodically. Therefore, I am addressing here the concerns of the more average athlete who does not desire to be on drugs perpetually, and desires to maintain most of his gains while off drugs.

If gains are to be retained, losses at the end of the cycle must be avoided. Such losses occur if the natural hormonal axis, involving the hypothalamus, pituitary, and testes, is not producing normal levels of testosterone by the time that anabolic drugs are no longer providing significant levels to the system.

Incidentally, inhibition of each of these organs is somewhat independent of the others, and different factors are involved for each. The risk factors for inhibition are principally length of the cycle, choice of steroid, dosage of steroids, and in the case of orals, dosage pattern of steroid.

Very simply, the longer the cycle, the greater the chance of recovery problems. And in calculating the cycle length, one must take into account the half life of the drug, and the time required for levels to injected drug to fall below inhibitory levels. This will be several half lives. Thus, some people speak of 2 week cycles using Sustanon, with 2 weeks “off,” which is then repeated. But they are incorrect in believing that they are doing 2 week cycles. Because substantial and inhibitory amounts of Sustanon will remain in the system during the “off” weeks, there is no recovery. If a person strings 4 of these cycles together, for example, he will have been on steroids for 16 weeks and may well have a difficult time recovering natural testosterone production afterwards. Thus, this is no solution.

The same type of scheme, however, can be quite successful with testosterone propionate with use of antiestrogens. With this shorter acting drug, there is actual time off between cycles.

Single short cycles, with many weeks allowed before beginning another new cycle, don’t seem so efficient. Usually, real strength gains don’t begin coming until the third week or so. While muscular weight may be gained in the first two weeks, it seems that the body is also adapting itself in a manner which will make growth very efficient in the next few weeks: or rather it would, if steroids were still available. Thus, I can’t recommend doing isolated cycles which are shorter than four weeks at the minimum, and really five or six weeks is probably more reasonable. Only in the case of short acting drugs, with very frequent cycles, are two or three week cycles a good idea in my opinion.

While it makes little sense to cut a stand-alone cycle too short, while the body is still ready to gain rapidly, on the other hand, heavy use beyond say 10 weeks becomes fairly likely to result in recovery problems. Furthermore, after the body has already grown a good deal and has been growing for many weeks, it is less ready to grow more. Thus, long cycles are inefficient in that regard, and furthermore are likely to result in greater losses after the cycle. Perhaps 6 weeks of heavy use and two to four weeks of light use is approximately optimal for conservative users.

The choice of anabolic steroid is quite critical towards the end of the cycle, so far as inhibition is concerned, but the inhibition issue is not so vital at the beginning. In other words, if one hits the system heavily at the beginning, but then lightly at the end, recovery will be better than if the reverse strategy were employed.

Primobolan, while not an exceptionally strong anabolic per milligram, seems to have a better ratio of anabolic to inhibitory activity than any other steroid, and is my recommendation as the injectable to use in the last weeks of a cycle. It is not absolutely clear though that this is an intrinsic property of Primobolan. It may be due to the fact that Primobolan does not convert to estrogen, and perhaps (this is speculation) low dose trenbolone might give an equally favorable anabolic/inhibitory ratio.

Dosage for this use is somewhat less clear. Some have made excellent recoveries on a gram of Primobolan per week. In the US, however, such use would be quite expensive. In general, though, I don’t know if most people will recover well with that dose. 400 mg/week is still sufficient to saturate the androgen receptors (ARs) and is a more conservative approach for the last weeks of a cycle.

Where oral anabolics are concerned, once-a-day dosing results in much less inhibition than divided doses. It’s unknown what time of day is best, but morning has been used successfully, and makes sense since that timing will result in little drug being in the system at night and early morning, when LH and natural testosterone production are highest. Thus, switching to once a day dosing in the last few weeks would make sense.

Our goal throughout the cycle as a whole, however, cannot simply be to minimize inhibition. If it were, the answer would be simply to take no steroids at all, or to use very little. In the early phases of the cycle, inhibition must simply be accepted if serious gains are desired. This is not because inhibition itself in any way leads to gains, but simply because there is inhibition mediated by the androgen receptor, and therefore high levels of androgen will cause some inhibition. And as long as inhibition is occurring anyway, gains may as well be as much as possible. I see no point in half-measures. Either be gaining as much as possible, or be setting yourself up for recovery while still making some decent gains or at least maintaining gains.

For the early part of the cycle, the inhibitory properties of the steroid used are of less importance than the mass-gaining properties. Two anabolics reign supreme: testosterone and trenbolone (which is found in Parabolan. These steroids appear more effective for mass building than any other injectables. They may be stacked to advantage: since one is unlikely to be able to afford or to obtain large amounts of Parabolan, it is worthwhile to add testosterone in order to obtain a higher total dose and greater results. Furthermore, there may be a synergistic effect. However, trenbolone itself, particularly in combination with Dianabol, can give excellent results. Oral anabolic steroids add their own benefits, not because of binding to different receptors, but probably because of their direct action on the liver, which produces various growth factors.

What About Other Injectables?

I see little point in stacking weaker injectables such as Deca or Primobolan in the heavy phase of the cycle. While on the one hand they probably won’t hurt – if they bind to the AR, they will give essentially the same action as testosterone – if the phase is heavy there is already enough steroid to saturate the receptors. There is no benefit there.

And there is little benefit from any possible non-AR-mediated activity, since these drugs do not seem to have much if any such effect. Nor can they act to reduce the side effects of the heavier anabolics. So there is little point to using them in the heavy phase of the cycle.
Side effects of testosterone are the main reason why people have been interested in weaker drugs such as Deca. However, with an effective aromatase inhibitor at 250 mg/day, stacked with an effective estrogen receptor antagonist such as Clomid at 50-100 mg/day, testosterone becomes comparable to Deca in terms of side effects for equally effective doses of drug.

Some have found that Proscar acts to minimize effects of testosterone use on skin and hair. The objection that reduced conversion to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) might reduce muscular growth may have some validity. This might be true either because of loss of DHT activity on nervous tissue, or because of possible loss of non-AR-mediated effects of androstanediol, a DHT metabolite, or an indirect effect not occurring in muscle tissue itself. DHT itself is not an effective anabolic for muscle tissue.


There is one side effect cannot be blocked: if one uses heavy doses of testosterone and/or trenbolone for months, and then ends the cycle, losses of muscle will occur because of poor recovery. Luteinizing hormone (LH) production will be low, and because it has been low for some time, very often it may take some considerable time for the pituitary to again produce normal levels. Furthermore, testicular atrophy may have occurred, although such can be avoided with occasional use of HCG during the heavy phase of the cycle.
Because of recovery problems, it is wise to limit the heavy phase to 5-8 weeks, and then switch to Primobolan for the last several weeks of the cycle, beginning two weeks after the last injection of long acting ester. Once a day dosing of orals might be concurrent with this.

If long acting esters were used, then the existing drug from the heavy phase will have significant anabolic effectiveness for 2-3 weeks after injection, depending on dose, and thus no injectables would need to be used in those weeks. After that point, if Primobolan is not available, one might wish to continue with once-a-day dosing of orals or very low dose (100 mg/week) testosterone with use of anti-estrogens. A balance must be struck, however: there is a middle ground that we do not want to be in. There is a range where there is still some anabolic support yet there is fairly little inhibitory effect, but past this range, there still is not great anabolic effect, but there is substantial inhibition. One does not want to spend more time than necessary in this middle ground, but pass through it relatively quickly. Once in the light phase, the dose must remain low enough to allow recovery of natural hormone production to occur.

Clomid use should continue until the user is confident that natural testosterone levels have returned to normal.
Ultimately, there cannot be one answer for everyone. Different users will have different needs. The above is generally good advice for reasonably conservative bodybuilders who wish substantial results. Those desiring either more moderate or more extreme results would need to adjust their plans accordingly.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Why Anavar is good for Women. Anavar and Weight Loss or burning fat

One of the anabolic steroids that fit women well, Anavar (oxandrolone) is a drug that is mild on all fronts: mildly anabolic, mildly androgenic, mildly affects the hypothalamic-testicular-pituitary-axis (HTPA), and most important, mildly toxic to the liver compared to other steroids. These properties make this a popular, albeit expensive, anabolic drug, especially for top-level female athletes.

While it is a strong AR agonist, the lack of non-receptor mediated mechanisms such as protein synthesis makes oxandrolone a weak anabolic steroid. Thus, it requires rather large doses for it to be effective; combating muscle-wasting in AIDS, for example, requires administration of Anavar in 20-80mgs doses. It is no wonder that male bodybuilders don?t favor this drug well, as it is quite expensive and doesn?t give much in return.

Another characteristic of Anavar, which is considered good especially by women, is its poor androgenic properties. It doesn't raise estrogen levels so the common side effects associated with anabolic steroids - gynecomastia and water retention- are unheard of when using this drug. However, it may increase low-density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol) and reduce high-density lipoprotein (good cholesterol) which can cause blood pressure problems. For women, masculinizing effects such as body/facial hair growth and deepening of voice are minute and are therefore not a concern when using Anavar.

Unlike other 17-alkylated steroids, liver toxicity is considered insignificant when using Anavar, unless administered in very large doses and used for prolonged periods. It doesn't pose as much hepatotoxic effects as Dianabol (methandrostenolone), another testosterone derivative that is altered at the 17th carbon atom (this alteration is usually done for orally-administered drugs to be able to survive the pass through the liver).

Anavar also shows minimal effect on the HTPA, particularly on low doses. Oxandrolone does not aromatize to estrogen, and suppression of the serum testosterone, Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH) is slight. Of course, like other anabolic steroids, the effect worsens as the dose increases..

One characteristic that sets Anavar apart is its unusual fat-burning ability. One study shows that the drug reduced abdominal and visceral fat on subjects with low/normal natural testosterone. In another research, appendicular, total, and trunk lipids were lowered with 20mgs/day of Anavar, without any exercise. In addition to its fat-burning properties, the drug also allows permanent muscle gains. The muscle you get when you use Anavar may not be much, but you got to keep it after you stop taking the drug, as shown by a study wherein the subjects maintained their weight six months after stopping Anavar medication.

With this mixture of interesting and exciting effects that impact health enthusiasts, it is no wonder that Anavar gained many adherents. This is especially true for women, as it seems that the drug suits them well in all aspects  particularly with the relatively low dosage indicated for them. The fat-burning and weight-sustaining effects of Anavar are additional benefits that make the drug more attractive.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Arimidex (anastrozole)

Although Arimidex does increase testosterone levels slightly in the body, it is more often used in conjunction with other steroids to lower estrogen in the body. Many anabolic steroids will convert, or aromatize, in the body into estrogen, which causes many of the unwanted side effects like bloating and acne. Arimidex is one of the best compounds to lower the aromatizing effect of anabolic steroids.

Arimidex (generic name is anastrozole) is a newer drug developed for the treatment of advanced breast cancer in women.  Specifically, Arimidex is the first in a new class of third-generation selective oral aromatase inhibitors. It acts by blocking the enzyme aromatase, subsequently blocking the production of estrogen. Since many forms of breast cancer cells are stimulated by estrogen, it is hoped that by reducing amounts of estrogen in the body the progression of such a disease can be halted. This is the basic premise behind Nolvadex, except this drug blocks the action and not production of estrogen.

The effects of Arimidex can be quite dramatic to say the least. A daily dose of one tablet (1 mg) can produce estrogen suppression greater than 80 % in treated patients. With the powerful effect Arimidex has on hormone levels, it is only to be used (clinically) by post-menopausal women whose disease has progressed following treatment with Nolvadex (tamoxifen citrate). Side effects like hot flushes and hair thinning can be present, and would no doubt be much more severe in pre-menopausal patients.

For the steroid using male athlete, Arimidex shows great potential. Up to this point, drugs like Nolvadex and Proviron have been our weapons against excess estrogen. These drugs, especially in combination, do prove quite effective. But Arimidex appears able to do the job much more efficiently, and with less hassle. A single tablet daily (1 mg), the same dose use clinically, seems to be all one needs for an exceptional effect (some even report excellent results with only 0.25 mg daily). When used with strong, readily aromatizing androgens such as Dianabol or testosterone, gynecomastia and water retention can be effectively blocked. In combination with Propecia (finasteride), we have a great advance.

With the one drug halting estrogen conversion and the other blocking 5-alpha reduction , related side effects can be effectively minimized. Here the strong androgen testosterone could theoretically provide incredible muscular growth, while at the same time being as tolerable as nandrolone. Additionally the quality of the muscle should be greater, the athlete appearing harder and much more defined without holding excess water.

There are some concerns with using an aromatase inhibitor such as this during prolonged steroid treatment however. While it will effectively reduce estrogenic side effects, it will also block the beneficial properties of estrogen from becoming apparent (namely its effect on cholesterol values). Studies have clearly shown that when an aromatase inhibitor is used in conjunction with a steroid such as testosterone, suppression of HDL (good) cholesterol becomes much more pronounced.
Apparently estrogen plays a role in minimizing the negative impact of steroid use. Since the estrogen receptor antagonist Nolvadex is shown not to display an anti-estrogenic effect on cholesterol values, it is certainly the preferred from of estrogen maintenance for those concerned with cardiovascular health.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

HGH and weight loss - a dieter's dream come true!

A lot of people desperate to lose weight enter into an endless roller coaster of diet. At times, an extremely trying diet plan or crazy exercise routine works while sometimes it doesn’t seem to work leaving the person completely disappointed on weight loss treatments. According to research, HGH and weight loss is somehow interconnected. It’s not strictly a weight loss treatment but the human growth hormone therapy promotes lean mass and burns excessive fats while making you energetic and vigilant. If you have searched every nook and cranny for the right weight loss pill and couldn’t find one, then HGH supplements might be the answer to your torments.

Human growth hormone is made in the pituitary gland from where it is secreted in blood to reach various sites of action and fuel the rapid growth of cells in children. Besides that, the growth hormone human can maintain some other functions for example tissue repair, normal brain function, muscular growth and other metabolic activities during childhood and also for the rest of your life. However, when you are in your teen, the production of this hormone is at its peak. After that its levels in blood start to decline gradually. The typical symptoms of aging are due to the drop in human growth hormones levels. As you get old, it’s really hard to maintain the lean muscle mass. The muscles get less defined and you put on fat with considerable ease.

Studies reveal that the adults with more weight have lesser levels of HGH as compared to the normal weight adults of the same age. This is primarily the reason why people perceive hormone replacement can do the trick. They believe that boosting HGH can also enhance weight loss. But the fact of the matter is that HGH alone cannot contribute to weight loss so those taking HGH injections or pills considering them weight loss pills are totally misled. The term fat loss would be more appropriate in this case because HGH melts away only the fats while increasing lean muscle mass. Probably you might not see considerable weight loss after using HGH but you will be in good shape and healthy.

Over the years HGH has gained the reputation of an athletic performance booster. It’s true that human growth hormone helps in building and repairing muscles, improves stamina and makes you capable of longer training sessions but that doesn’t mean it can be extensively used to build muscles. Overdosing HGH can have some severe consequences. Another reason why HGH supplements are athlete’s first choice is that they cannot be detected in DOPE test. Therefore using human growth hormones for reasons other than medical is strictly forbidden. However, one thing is clear; there is some amount of weight loss while using a prescribed dosage of this hormone.

Do you intend to gain lean body mass and say goodbye to the excessive fat building up? You precisely need growth hormone supplements to accelerate fat meltdown because HGH will make it available as a fuel. Fat cells like many other cells of the body comprise of HGH receptors. When the growth hormone binds to those receptors, a series of enzymatic reactions is triggered, which is meant to achieve lipolysis or the breakdown of fat within cells. This way your overall energy expenditure is increased that makes you burn calories. Furthermore, HGH is known to promote the action of insulin.

With aging, the production of HGH decreases which explains why it’s so difficult to lose weight after a certain age. A little insight into human physiology can explain this. When you eat, insulin is secreted from pancreas which stores glucose in fat cells from where they can be used for energy generation. HGH supplements don’t allow insulin to store glucose instead it triggers your body to burn fat for generating energy. In normal cases, our body uses the stored glucose to generate energy but HGH reverses this condition and allows the fat reserves to be used first for generating energy. So if you want weight loss, no need to go for those extra tough training sessions. You can achieve weight loss with less hectic exercise, proper diet and of course an appropriate dose of HGH supplements.

HGH and weight loss might have been something new to you therefore it’s hard to believe that human growth hormone supplements can be a part of your weight loss program. The best part is that growth hormone supplements are not steroids in nature which makes them safe. These are quite different from any weight loss program you have undergone so far. Most of the weight loss programs make you lose your lean body mass besides burning fats which is very unhealthy. Hence it’s not only safe but recommended to use HGH and weight loss is inevitable from there on.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Yohimbe Increase sex drive and promote fat loss

Yohimbe, found in the bark of the evergreen tree, Pausinystalia, has gained much popularity, not only as a treatment for impotence, but also as an effective tool for decreasing body fat. In 1938, the alkaloid yohimbine HCL (hydrochloride) was discovered to be the active component responsible for most of the effects of the yohimbe bark. This compound has now been isolated and is sold as both an aphrodisiac and fat loss aid. Although yohimbe HCL is the most important constituent in yohimbe, it is likely that it contains other alkaloids that contribute to its effectiveness.

Yohimbe works by widening blood vessels and increasing blood flow to the appendages. It is also thought to increase fatty acid mobilization. Yohimbe stimulates the central nervous system by causing the body to produce more noradrenaline. Nitric oxide levels are also increased which dilates the blood vessels. The combination of both increased blood flow and energy contribute to yohimbine HCL’s effectiveness as an aphrodisiac; however, the exact reason yohimbine HCL works so well as an aphrodisiac is still unclear.

Yohimbe is also known to increase genital sensitivity in both men and women by stimulating nerves in the sacral region. If you’re interested in yohimbe for its aphrodisiac properties its best taken immediately before sex. Over the past few decades, yohimbe has made a name for itself as one of the most effective natural supplements for improved sexual performance in men and women. One study pulished in the International Journal of Impotence Research in 1997 showed that yohimbine HCL was significantly more effective than a placebo. Subjects reported increased sexual desire, sexual satisfaction, frequency of sexual contacts, and quality of erection during sex.

Manufacturers of many fat burning supplements that exist today understand just how effective Yohimbe can be, which is why you will commonly see it listed as one the main ingredients in some of today’s top selling fat burners. Instead of forking over the cash for these overpriced blends, you can simply purchase the raw ingredients that comprise them. You will find that yohimbe is among the most popular of these ingredients.

Although the evidence for yohimbe as a fat loss aid is only anecdotal, it doesn’t mean its not effective. As many people are aware, there are many highly effective natural supplements that aren’t officially approved for the treatment of anything at all. What’s more is that most of the companies that produce pricey weight loss aids and impotence drugs, as well as other pharmaceuticals, often conduct their own trials, testing their products. Needles to say these results can’t be trusted. You’re much better off in most cases purchasing a pure supplement, made from a single, natural ingredient, rather that a name brand supplement or drug.

Most of the possible side effects of yohimbe are related to an increase in neurotransmitters which can result in a rise in blood pressure and heart rate as well as headaches, dizziness, anxiety, nausea and sleeplessness. You should consult your medical professional before taking yohimbe if you are taking any other prescriptions. You should also avoid yohimbe if you have high blood pressure, heart disease or kidney disease.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Primobolan - fat burning steroid

Primobolan is one of those anabolic steroids which has a cult following not unlike the old original version of Masteron. Actually, as you can easily see from its anabolic ratio below in the profile, its a pretty weak steroid but actually stronger than Masteron in both regards. I don't know anyone who has run both compounds at the same dose. We are probably justified in speculating that youd probably get similar results from either of them, when you consider the fact that you are getting quite a bit less actual drug and more ester when you choose injectable Primobolan (which has the very long Enanthate ester attached to it) over Masteron (which has the very short propionate ester attached to it). In truth, I think part of the reason many Primobolan users have been disappointed is that they failed to use enough of it, for long enough. From its chemical structure and anabolic androgenic rating, we can assume it is at least as effective as Masteron, on an equal Mg for mg basis. However, due to its ester (in the injectable version), it needs to be run for at least 12 weeks to see the full benefits from it.

Its easy to see why many people have tried to use less...and have been disappointed with their results. On the other hand, many competitive bodybuilders consider Primobolan indespensible to their pre-contest drud routine, and wouldnt consider dieting without it. Anyway...I think the comparison to Masteron (another great precontest drug) is the best one we can make, with reference to expected gains and results.

I happen to be one of the few people who have used Drostanolone Enanthate (Masteron with the Enanthate ester attached) as well as Methenolone Enanthate (injectable Primobolan). I can tell you that the results from these two compounds, when ester and mg potency are the same, are in fact very similar.

Effects of Primobolan

Lets flesh out some of the various general effects of Primobolan, before we get into the differences between the oral and injectable versions. One study performed on sheep involved administering 100mgs of Methenolone, and electronically stimulating their lats (electronic stimulation was used because they kept falling off the chin-up bars). Anyway, when compared with the lat muscles of sheep who didnt receive Methenolone, the receiving group gained significantly more muscle mass as well as strength. Its also has a relatively high affinity for binding to the AR, actually binding better than testosterone. This ability to strongly bind to the AR may be why Primobolan is such a good "fat burner." Strong AR binding has been positively correlated with lypolysis (fat-burning).

In addition, as this steroid can actually aid in reducing breast tumors, no ancillary products need be considered for use with Primobolan, and in fact, it may actually be a useful ancillary agent in its own right, similar to Masteron. Also, just like Masteron, Primobolan has no propensity to aromatize (convert to estrogen). Since it doesnt aromatize, alot of the side effects commonly associated with estrogen will not be of concern. This means water retention, acne, and gyno will be non-existent more or less. this lack of water retention combined with the slow and steady gains provided by Primo may help to explain why it has earned a reputation for creating quality muscle gains. This also helps to explain why it is so expensive. Although estrogenic sides are not a concern, hair loss still, remains a very real concern with Primobolan, as with many DHT-Derived steroids. Many primobolan fans always include Finasteride and Ketoconazole (shampoo) in cycles containing Primobolan.

Although nobody would ever suggest to use Primobolan as a bulking agent, its been studied as an agent to halt wasting and possibly reverse many of the adverse effects of anemia. It is a shocking failure in both areas, according to some of the case studies I've read, and this should come to no surprise to anyone. Anadrol reigns supreme in this area, and nobody in the athletic community would ever compare those two drugs. However, Michael Mooney and many other respected doctors who work with AIDS patients have found sufficient evidence to claim that Primobolan is an immune enhancer and as such is very useful for AIDS patients (not that the FDA cares...Primobolan is still not approved for sale in the United States). AIDS patients arent really in need of Bulking Drugs, so an immune enhancer like Primo which will add small, quality gains in muscle is perfect for them. And since we arent even going to vaguely consider the use of Primobolan as a bulking agent, clearly this leaves us with considering it primarily for use in gaining and maintaining lean tissue. Its a great choice for this purpose, and many competitors have used it very successfully to retain muscle while on a calorie reduced diet. The reason Primo is so useful for this purpose is that one of its primary functions is to help your body retain nitrogen at a greatly enhanced rate. The greater your nitrogen retention is, the more muscle you will build. In the case of using primo as a pre-contest drug, this nitrogen retention will help you retain muscle and ensure that your dieting preferentially favors fat loss over muscle loss.

Primobolan is a very unique steroid, as it is one of the few that comes in both an oral as well as an injectable version. I suppose Winstrol does also, but Primobolan actually has a different ester on the oral (acetate ) and injectable (Enanthate) versions. The oral version is one of the more interesting oral compounds I've looked into. For starters, its one of the few compounds available to athletes and bodybuilders which is both oral as well as non-17-alpha-alkylation. This alteration is (as I'm sure you remember from other stuff Ive written) what generally makes oral steroids survive their first pass through your liver, but also makes them Hepatoxic (Liver toxic). Well... oral Primo doesnt have this feature, so it is very mild on your liver (actually it basically isnt liver toxic at all), but also is largely destroyed by it, since 17 beta estrification and 1 alkylation is the method used to make this stuff orally available. You'll need to take a lot of this stuff for it to be effective... 100mgs/day of the oral version is a safe estimate for reasonable gains& for women, you could get away with less; perhaps 25mgs/day. Even though the acetate ester has a 2-3 day active life, your liver will do some damage to oral primo, so every day dosing will still be necessary.

When men were given a 30-45mg dose of the oral version of Primo, they experienced a 15-65% decrease in gonadotropin levels. Remember, I said 100mgs is a good dose for gains... well, youll also reduce your gonadotropin levels considerably. I have personally never understood why people recommend either oral or injectable Primobolan as a possible bridging compound for this reason... maybe at a too-low-to-do-anything dose of 10mgs it could be used as a bridge. And forget about using injectable Primo to bridge.

I've used this stuff at 200mgs/week and wasnt very impressed with it. Generally, I think injectable primo needs to be used at a dose of at least 350mgs/week (100mgs/Every other Day), and preferably at a dose of 400-600mgs/week. I happen to like running it with testosterone propionate, but for convenience I would imagine most people would run it with Testosterone Enanthate, to keep dosing times the same (shooting it twice per week, in most cases).

Friday, February 28, 2014

Steroids for bodybuilding

Muscle building steroids, if you’re going to use them you want the best; after all, “The Best” is the end goal and less than the best won’t do. With seemingly unlimited choices, for many it’s often hard to determine what the best ones are and with so many opinions it can at times become seemingly impossible. One guy will tell you to do this and that and another will swear on his life that the other guy is wrong and both of them may indeed be big and muscular, so who’s right? Anabolic steroids are like so many other things in life and they largely revolve around individual response. You may respond better with one particular steroid while your friend has a more positive response to another. Even so, there are some basic simple truths that apply to all and in those truths we can accurately label the best muscle building steroids of all.

With many anabolic steroids from which to choose the various testosterones will prove to be the most efficient muscle building steroids of all. Testosterone-Enanthate, Testosterone-Cypionate, Sustanon-250, Testosterone-Propionate or any other form you wish to use, all of these testosterones will pack muscle on your frame. True, there are steroids that will serve this purpose in a more pronounced way, steroids that can add weight to the scale at a faster rate but in-terms of quality, efficiency and all-around gains test is best.

Testosterone is not only highly effective it is the hormone most anabolic steroids owe their existence to. Further, it is a hormone we already produce naturally, so it is not a foreign substance our body isn’t used to. Granted, when we use it for performance enhancing purposes the levels of testosterone in the body will far surpass a normal range and this can cause possible unwanted side-effects; there is a chance but there are remedies and procedures you can follow to ensure your safety.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Should Testosterone Always Be Used as the Base of a Steroid Cycle?

 It’s possible to have a completely effective cycle with or without testosterone.

While each person may have his own reason for believing that testosterone “must” be used, I think the main reason many believe this is because testosterone provides a complete spectrum of effect while the synthetics generally do not do so when used individually or combined inefficiently.

For example, with only testosterone 500 mg/week might be used for a moderate but reasonably-effective cycle, 750 mg/week for a stronger but still moderate one, or 1000 mg/week for an even stronger but still hardly unreasonable cycle. There’s a substantial step up in performance at each increased level. And ultimately with still larger amounts such as 2 grams per week, performance is reaching near the maximum that can be achieved with anabolic steroids alone at any dose.

With individual synthetics such as say Dianabol, Anadrol, oxandrolone, Primobolan, trenbolone, etc, no matter how much is taken alone, that maximum level of effect won’t be achieved. There’s a substantial increase in performance as dosage is increased, up to particular amounts characteristic of each drug, but nothing really past that. Likely at that point the drugs are working fully in the ways that they work, but used alone, they aren’t covering all the bases.

Inefficient combinations work the same, or nearly so, as the individual usages. For example, about the same maximum is reached using trenbolone alone as using trenbolone plus either Primobolan or oxandrolone; and adding Anadrol to Dianabol gives little if anything beyond what Dianabol alone can do. A poor combination is rather like your example of combining two anti-inflammatories. There’s no point in doing so: there’s no resulting increase in maximal effect compared to simply taking more of one of them.

However, it’s quite different when the synthetics are combined effectively. For example, 100 mg/day trenbolone acetate alone is not too exciting for mass gain, and neither is 100 mg/day Dianabol alone. I would put either choice well below 100 mg/day (700 mg/week) testosterone. Neither trenbolone nor Dianabol alone covers all the bases. But the same total milligram amount of drug – 100 mg/day – is an entirely different story when it’s provided as a combination of 50 mg/day trenbolone acetate and 50 mg/day Dianabol. Suddenly, you have a stack substantially more effective than 700 mg/week testosterone.

So you don’t need to use testosterone to have a fully effective steroid cycle, but it’s a simple way to be sure of covering the bases. The other ways are to use effective combinations of synthetics, or effective combinations of synthetics together with testosterone.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Fat loss plan while bodybuilding

Do you have some unwanted weight to lose? Specifically, do you have stubborn body fat that just does not seem to go away no matter what you do?  Keep reading if you want to discover a proven fat loss plan!

To begin with, you should definitely be using an effective anabolic steroid. However, note that the use of this type of anabolic steroid should be complemented with a proper diet and workout routine. The specifics of the diet and workout regimen will be discussed in more detail below. Make sure to take the anabolic steroid orally follow the guidelines on the bottle for more information on how to properly take the anabolic steroid.

As mentioned, a proper diet is one factor that should complement taking any anabolic steroid.  Generally speaking, the properly portioned food that you choose to eat should be high in protein and low in fat. Food high in protein is great because it promotes the muscles (you do not want to lose muscle instead of fat). Also, note that “cheat days” or days that you splurge food wise in moderation are okay from time to time. In fact, doing so actually promotes the fat loss process because it prevents the body from getting used to the diet. You do not want your body to get used to a particular diet because the fat loss process will plateau. Not to mention, rewarding yourself occasionally for sticking to your diet is a good thing!

An effective exercise regimen should also complement proper diet and supplementation. You do not want to lose muscle instead of fat. Hence, muscle training exercises, such as bicep curls, should be done in addition to cardio exercises, such as jogging. Make sure that you exercise at least a few times each week. Furthermore, days of rest are also a good thing, since they allow your body to basically recharge or recuperate.

Keep in mind that the specific details regarding the diet and exercise tips mentioned vary from person to person. In general, these details depend on how much fat you need to lose, how much you weigh, and so forth. For example, one factor that depends on the specific individual is the amount of calories that should be consumed each day not to mention a person’s gender.

In addition to supplementation, proper diet, and exercise, another great way to lose fat is to create a support system. Find someone to hold you accountable and keep you motivated. Having a support system definitely makes the whole process a little easier!

If you have some stubborn, unwanted body fat to lose, you should follow these fat loss tips. In a nutshell, you should take your fat loss supplement as directed, eat a proper diet, exercise (cardio and weight training), and have a support system. Cheers to your fat loss!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

GP Proviron by Geneza Pharmaceuticals - exemplary orаl sterod for bodybuilding

If you are looking for an exemplary oral steroid for bodybuilding,  GP Proviron fits the bill perfectly. Let us read about this anabolic steroid to find out its benefits.

In the world of professional sports such as bodybuilding, GP Proviron is one of the most admired of all oral steroids. Also known as Mesterolone, GP Proviron is used to treat sexual dysfunction and restore the level of natural testosterone, especially after the end of a steroid cycle. It is worth noting here that sexual dysfunction and testosterone production are two of the biggest concerns for steroid users and GP Proviron is second to none to take care of these complications.

In addition to all these benefits, GP Proviron is also effective to improve the sperm count after it has been affected by use of harsh and aromatizable steroids or due to a health disorder. GP Proviron is also effective to create a balance in cases of androgen deficiency, which is a common problem faced by individuals with growing age. It is also useful for reducing the level of estrogen and improving the level of androgens and is therefore an exceptional pre-contest drug to say the least. GP Proviron is also admired for treating health disorders such as irritability, sleep disturbances, libido, and depression.

The chemical name of GP Proviron is 1 alpha-methyl-17 beta-hydroxy-5 alpha-androstan-3-one and it is classified as A. 21.7 Male sex hormones. The molecular weight of this compound at the base is 304.4716 g/mol and its androgenic/anabolic ratio is 30-40/100-150. The recommended dose of GP  Proviron is 25-100 mg per day, with or without meals but antiestrogens such as Nolvadex may be necessary in case the level of estrogen formation exceeds the normal.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

GP Clen (clenbuterol) by Geneza Pharmaceuticals

Clenbuterol or Clen is one of those anabolic steroids that never needed an introduction as its name is more than enough to create the sense of trust and power. Some of the biggest names in professional sports such as boxing, athletics, cycle racing, and bodybuilding have been using this product without any fail and this is what tells the complete story.

Clen comes with endless benefits for an informed user. This is because only a right dose of Clen can do wonders and excess of doses can only lead to steroid abuse, which may then bring side effects that must be avoided at all stages.

Clenbuterol has an active life of approximately 35-40 hours and is truly a legendary steroid for enhancing the aerobic capabilities of its users. It is available in oral and injectable forms and has mild anabolic properties along with pronounced thermogenic effects.

This pre-contest drug promotes enlargement of the muscle cells and is also an effective product for all those looking to attain a lean yet muscular body structure. It can be stacked with Cytomel or Primobolan at the start of a steroid cycle to gain optimum benefits from steroid use. Anti-estrogens such as Proviron or Nolvadex can be used at end of the steroid cycle if formation of estrogens in the body is more than normal.

For people expecting to lose excess body weight, Clenbuterol is a legendary product when combined with a low-fat, moderate-carb, and high-protein diet. This highly effective product is also good for facilitating muscle recovery at a rapid pace in-between intense workouts besides promoting solid muscle gains and muscle appearance. The unique ability of Clen to help its users lose body weight without any side effects is something that is unthinkable with any other fat burning product.

In short, Clenbuterol is one product that can be trusted with even closed eyes.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Fat Loss Steroids

One of the biggest concerns of all for many performance enhancing athletes revolves around one question and the never ending search for the best fat loss steroids of all. It is something many spend enormous amounts of time on, trying to discover that perfect match but let’s understand a clear truth; almost all anabolic androgenic steroids can be labeled fat loss steroids to a degree and many to a high degree. The truth is relatively simple; the concept of bulking and cutting steroids, although some serve one purpose primarily, most all steroids can adequately serve either purpose to a degree, thereby we can conclude that almost all steroids can in-fact be used as fat loss steroids. However, there is one hormone commonly thrown into this class that is actually not a steroid at all; in truth there are many but one of particular interest. While this case of mistaken identity is not the worst thing in the world, if you desire to truly know what you’re doing, what you’re putting into your body and how best to use it, it’s nice to have a clear understanding and we recommend you educate yourself on the specifics of all performance enhancing drugs you desire to use.

As mentioned, almost all anabolic androgenic steroids can be classified as fat loss steroids and the reasons are somewhat simple; let’s examine in a manner even the simplest of us of all can understand:

Ananbolic Androgenic Steroids can increase lean tissue (Muscle Mass.)
The more Lean Tissue we possess the more calories we burn
The more calories we burn the less fat we possess

Almost any anabolic steroid can achieve the above but yes it can get better and when speaking of a more primary fat burning role there are fat loss steroids of this nature. There are anabolic androgenic steroids that can in-fact directly reduce body fat; most notably Trenbolone and Stanozolol. While both of these steroids can achieve the same outline as above, both have been shown to have a more direct impact on actual fat cells or stored body fat in a reduction capacity. While both are suited for this purpose it is not their primary purpose by any means but Trenbolone will prove to carry this purpose with a little more authority than Stanozolol.

There are other anabolic androgenic steroids that possess some of the same traits in-terms of body fat reduction as the two listed above. While all of these steroids serve other primary purposes, if you are looking for the best fat loss steroids for any cycle they would include in no particular order:

Boldenone Undeclynate 

Bulking Fat Loss Steroids:

It is a bit of a contradiction in words “Bulking Fat Loss Steroids” but the truth remains, you can successfully use many anabolic androgenic steroids commonly associated with bulking or off-season cycles and lose fat. Steroids such as Dianabol and Anadrol are prime examples. Undoubtedly both Dianabol and Anadrol serve the primary purpose of building massive amounts of muscle and strength but if we apply the list above and do so in a calorie restricted diet we have lost body fat, we have lost body fat and held onto more muscle tissue than we would have otherwise.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Anavar and Sustained Weight Loss

One of the steroids that fit women well, Anavar (oxandrolone) is a drug that is mild on all fronts: mildly anabolic, mildly androgenic, mildly affects the hypothalamic-testicular-pituitary-axis (HTPA), and most important, mildly toxic to the liver compared to other steroids. These properties make this a popular, albeit expensive, anabolic drug, especially for top-level female athletes.

Another characteristic of Anavar, which is considered good especially by women, is its poor androgenic properties. It doesn't raise estrogen levels so the common side effects associated with AAS,  gynecomastia and water retention- are unheard of when using this drug. However, it may increase low-density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol) and reduce high-density lipoprotein (good cholesterol) which can cause blood pressure problems. For women, masculinizing effects such as body/facial hair growth and deepening of voice are minute and are therefore not a concern when using Anavar.

Unlike other 17-alkylated steroids, liver toxicity is considered insignificant when using Anavar, unless administered in very large doses and used for prolonged periods. It doesn't pose as much hepatotoxic effects as Dianabol (methandrostenolone), another testosterone derivative that is altered at the 17th carbon atom (this alteration is usually done for orally-administered drugs to be able to survive the pass through the liver).

Anavar also shows minimal effect on the HTPA, particularly on low doses. Oxandrolone does not aromatize to estrogen, and suppression of the serum testosterone, Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH) is slight. Of course, like other anabolic steroids, the effect worsens as the dose increases..

One characteristic that sets Anavar apart is its unusual fat-burning ability. One study shows that the drug reduced abdominal and visceral fat on subjects with low/normal natural testosterone. In another research, appendicular, total, and trunk lipids were lowered with 20mgs/day of Anavar, without any exercise. In addition to its fat-burning properties, the drug also allows permanent muscle gains. The muscle you get when you use Anavar may not be much, but you got to keep it after you stop taking the drug, as shown by a study wherein the subjects maintained their weight six months after stopping Anavar medication

With this mixture of interesting and exciting effects that impact health enthusiasts, it is no wonder that Anavar gained many adherents. This is especially true for women, as it seems that the drug suits them well in all aspects ? particularly with the relatively low dosage indicated for them. The fat-burning and weight-sustaining effects of Anavar are additional benefits that make the drug more attractive.