Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Different Minds

Men and women are not only different physically; their psychological makeup is distinct as well. The emotional differences between men and women are an area of great interest. John Gray’s 1992 book Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus caught the attention of the public, sparking discussions of the inherent differences between the genders when it comes to communication, reactions to problems, and sources of conflict.

Psychologists are not the only ones interested in how the mental processes of women and men differ; a great deal of work is going on in the world of basic science as well. Each year, more and more is being learned about the links between mental processes and physical functions, especially as they relate to neurotransmitters. A paper published in 2006 even theorized that the reason men smile less often than women can be accounted for by the way their respective brains are wired. It is well established that our behaviors in the realms of eating and physical activity are influenced by chemical signals in the brain.

And while not much is known about those signals at this point, it is likely that there are gender differences there as well. As more is learned about how the brain affects mental well-being as it relates to excess weight as well as the likely impact of gender differences, relevant
treatment options are sure to evolve.

The mental aspects of weight and weight loss cannot be overemphasized.
The basic physiology of weight loss is relatively simple—in order to lose weight, fewer calories must be taken in than expended.
But it is the behaviors—eating, exercise, and thinking—that are at the heart of achieving lasting weight loss. There are clear differences between men and women when it comes to weight-loss behaviors, and this book touches on all of them. Of particular interest are the differences
as weight loss relates to how men and women use language.

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