Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Lemon For Sensible Diet

Looking for a diet that would help you lose weight and have vitamin C in one?

Well lemon juice diet is the one for you. It is known that lemon is rich in vitamin C so as it helps in burning calories thus losing weight. This is another addition to your diet recipes that would not ruin your likes for sweet for lemon juice can be used as a substitution. For great results of slimming down lemon is added with grapefruit and ginger. And with empty stomach you will get the result you wanted. Here is how you will prepare your juice; into your juicer mix you add 3 chopped up lemons, 1 cup of ginger, 2 grapefruits and 1 tablespoon of honey to taste.

You can also mix lemon and water in this way you will be hydrated, keeps you refreshed and cool. This s another natural drink that would not give any harm to you and your body plus it would help you have control in your weight management. You might be asking if this type of diet is effective; well some of the Hollywood stars have tried and achieve the results they have wanted. If you do not really believe on its results, why not try replacing your soft drinks intake into lemon juice and surely you will have the results and it is easy to prepare.

Lemon is sensible for diet; aside from being cheap and easy to prepare, you will have the immunity from the vitamin C found in lemon. To prepare a lemon juice and water, you can simply add slices to the water and you can have a sip, you can also add ice if you like your drink cold. With this type of preparation, this drink will help you re-hydrate especially when you are an active type of person.

If you are wondering what is with lemon that burns down calories and helps in losing weight; lemon contains pectin which is a soluble fibber that acts like tiny brushes that sweeps away fats that lodges in the body. Pectin as well slows down the digestive process making you feel full and you will eat less. Vitamin C in lemon aids in producing carnitine which is another factor in burning down fats in the body. You can as well add lemon to your salads or any food, and always remember that for a successful slimming down process is to incorporate exercise or increase your activities ; this is not just for losing weight but to strengthen your body, muscles, organs and even the cells of your body.

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